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Mrs. Brianna Smith « Teacher Connection / Documents / Calendar

Welcome to Term 4 and the Online Learning Format!

Please look at the new PDF documents posted at the bottom of the page for more important information, especially as it pertains to Senior Writing Project (for English IV) and Frankenstein (for English II). 


NEW English IV Online Classroom Expectations Email (sent home via Skyward and posted to Google Classroom).

Please also review the English IV Assignment Calendar and Senior Writing Project Guidelines and Rubric posted in PDF at the bottom of the page.


Dear English IV Students,

I know that this virtual format came unexpectedly and will be a difficult adjustment for some of you, but rest assured that I am here to help! We will still hold class every day during your scheduled class time, which I will explain later on in this announcement, and your assignments are expected to be passed in by the due date and will be graded rapidly- just like you are used to. I will also be available to you each day from 7:30-3:30, these are considered my office hours, via Google Hangouts. If you download this as an app on your phone, it will give you the ability to call me directly so we can talk about any questions or concerns you have. Please do not hesitate to do this! If you need me before or after 3:30, I will always be available to you on Remind. In order to allow your parents to see what we are doing in class, I have invited each of them to the Google Classroom with the email address they have registered in Skyward. If it does not work, and they cannot see the class or invitation, please let me know. It is very important that we are all on the same page and communicating often.


But, before we begin discussing classroom expectations, there are some important state-wide facts you need to know. The answers to these (and more) questions were given to us by the Florida Department of Education on March 19, 2020. I have attached the full PDF here if you would like to view it in its entirety, but here’s what you need to know that applies to you:

  1. How does the cancellation of state assessments impact students?

Current seniors: If a senior is expected to graduate in spring 2020 and has not met the exit criteria for Algebra I EOC and/or Grade 10 ELA FSA, or earned a concordant score, this criteria will be waived. However, students still must earn the necessary credits and meet the GPA requirements to graduate.

30% for final grade: For students currently enrolled in courses that include a statewide EOC to be factored into the student’s grade, this requirement will be waived. Districts have the discretion to determine whether district-developed EOC assessments are necessary for these courses for the 2019-2020 school year.

  1. Will students receive grades for the spring semester while they are in a distance learning environment?

Yes, although campuses are closed, school is still in session and students are still earning grades. Districts will incorporate the process for assigning student grades in their instructional continuity plans.

  1. How will the cancellation of national assessment administrations (i.e., SAT and ACT) affect eligibility for Bright Futures?

Information regarding Bright Futures will be forthcoming.

  1. How do we address students who are scheduled to take AICE, IB, and AP exams?

We are working with our partners at AICE, IB, and AP, and information regarding the assessments associated with these programs will be forthcoming.

  1. How will period of unplanned campus closures impact graduation ceremonies?

Graduation ceremonies typically begin in May, and we will provide additional guidance later.


Next, here are some important school-wide facts you need to know. Please understand, these are the expectations as of now, but if these expectations change, I will update you as quickly as I can.

  1. There is no one “right way” for teachers to teach you. Each teacher will likely have different rules, expectations, and utilize online formats and resources that best suit their course. You will need to be understanding of this, just like we are understanding of you and your struggles. Ask questions if you get confused, but know that you must comply with what each of your teachers is asking you to do.
  2. You must complete all the work assigned to you by the due date given. Set reminders in your phone, make a schedule for yourself, get a notebook and write things down, but do not forget. You are accountable for your own learning and success now.
  3. We will be calling you and your parents! This is the only way we can make sure everyone is on the same page. When we call, please answer.
  4. We miss you.


Now, here’s what you need to know about the new classroom expectations:

  1. EVERYONE will be logged onto Google classroom each day for an hour. Ideally, I would like this to be the hour you are normally in class with me (because these are my office hours and if you have questions I am available to answer them for you), but if you cannot be there during you normal class time because of work or other complications (I know many of you are in unique circumstances and will not be available at the same time every day) then you can pick any other hour of the day to log on and complete the work. Once you are on Google Classroom, I will know that you are there because you will write “present” under the day’s discussion post. THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL GAIN YOUR BELL RINGER POINTS! If you do not do this, you will not get Bell Ringer points for the day.
  2. Within that discussion post, there will be directions for an assignment you will complete that day. Complete the task and do the response (discussed in item three).
  3. Each day, you will be asked to write a response that relates to the day’s lesson. This response will be made in addition to your “present” post for the day (and I will be able to see the time you made the revision to your original post). The response MUST use proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. THIS WILL CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR MASTERY POINTS FOR THE WEEK. Each response post is worth 4 points, for a total of 20 points at the end of the week. The rubric for these responses will be posted each day to the discussion post for your easy access and review. PLEASE LOOK AT THIS BEFORE POSTING! I’ve also included a model response for your convenience.
  4. Assignments outside of discussion posts will be graded according to the calendar for the class and due dates therein listed.
  5. Lastly, on Monday of each week, I will be hosting a live class session via Google Hangouts during your normal class time (the link can be found in your calendar invite in your email). If you do not come online to participate in the discussion, you are required to make arrangements with me to meet for another time that week. There will be a mastery grade attached to this discussion each week, so please make your best attempt to attend the original session. It will be MUCH easier for you that way!


I know these next few weeks are going to be a struggle, but together we CAN and WILL get through it IF WE CONTINUE TO COMMUNICATE. I will be posting the calendar with all assignments and due dates to Teacher Connection and Google Classroom as well as sending it out via a Skyward email. Information about daily responses can only be found on the Google Classroom as it is different each day.


As information continues to be divulged to us, I will share any and all pertinent information with you as relates to your English class as soon as possible via a Skyward email and Remind. Remember, as always, Remind is the fastest and easiest way to reach me!


Buffalo, together, we will persevere!

Sincerely, Mrs. Smith




NEW English II Online Classroom Expectations Email (sent home via Skyward and posted to Google Classroom).

Please also review the English II Assignment Calendar and Dialectical Journal Guidelines and Rubric for the Frankenstein assignments posted in PDF at the bottom of the page.


Dear English II Students,


I know that this virtual format came unexpectedly and will be a difficult adjustment for some of you, but rest assured that I am here to help! We will still hold class every day during your scheduled class time, which I will explain later on in this announcement, and your assignments are expected to be passed in by the due date and will be graded rapidly- just like you are used to. I will also be available to you each day from 7:30-3:30, these are considered my office hours, via Google Hangouts. If you download this as an app on your phone, it will give you the ability to call me directly so we can talk about any questions or concerns you have. Please do not hesitate to do this! If you need me before or after 3:30, I will always be available to you on Remind. In order to allow your parents to see what we are doing in class, I have invited each of them to the Google Classroom with the email address they have registered in Skyward. If it does not work, and they cannot see the class, please let me know. It is very important that we are all on the same page and communicating often.


Now, before we begin discussing classroom expectations, there are some important state-wide facts you need to know. The answers to these (and more) questions were given to us by the Florida Department of Education on March 19, 2020. I have attached the full PDF here if you would like to view it in its entirety, but here’s what you need to know that applies to you:

  1. How does the cancellation of state assessments impact students?

Non-seniors: The Department is waiving the requirement for non-senior students who are currently enrolled in a course that requires an EOC to take the associated EOC. However, non-seniors who have yet to pass the Grade 10 FSA ELA must still meet the exit criteria by passing that assessment during a future administration or earning a concordant score. Though non-senior students enrolled in the EOC course of Algebra 1 are not required to

take the Algebra 1 EOC, they must still meet the mathematics assessment graduation requirement by either passing the Algebra 1 EOC (offered four times each year) during a future administration, earning a concordant score, or passing the Geometry EOC during a future administration.

30% for final grade: For students currently enrolled in courses that include a statewide EOC to be factored into the student’s grade, this requirement will be waived. Districts have the discretion to determine whether district-developed EOC assessments are necessary for these courses for the 2019-2020 school year.

  1. Will students receive grades for the spring semester while they are in a distance learning environment?

Yes, although campuses are closed, school is still in session and students are still earning grades. Districts will incorporate the process for assigning student grades in their instructional continuity plans.


Next, here are some important school-wide facts you need to know. Please understand, these are the expectations as of now, but if these expectations change, I will update you as quickly as I can.

  1. There is no one “right way” for teachers to teach you. Each teacher will likely have different rules, expectations, and utilize online formats and resources that best suit their course. You will need to be understanding of this, just like we are understanding of you and your struggles. Ask questions if you get confused, but know that you must comply with what each of your teachers is asking you to do.
  2. You must complete all the work assigned to you by the due date given. Set reminders in your phone, make a schedule for yourself, get a notebook and write things down, but do not forget. You are accountable for your own learning and success now.
  3. We will be calling you and your parents! This is the only way we can make sure everyone is on the same page. When we call, please answer.
  4. We miss you.


Finally, here’s what you need to know about the new classroom expectations:

  1. EVERYONE will be logged onto Google classroom each day for an hour. Ideally, I would like this to be the hour you are normally in class with me (because these are my office hours and if you have questions I am available to answer them for you), but if you cannot be there during you normal class time because of work or other complications (I know many of you are in unique circumstances and will not be available at the same time every day) then you can pick any other hour of the day to log on and complete the work. Once you are on Google Classroom, I will know that you are there because you will write “present” under the day’s discussion post. THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL GAIN YOUR BELL RINGER POINTS! If you do not do this, you will not get Bell Ringer points for the day.
  2. Within that discussion post, there will be directions for an assignment you will complete that day. Complete the task and do the response (discussed in item three).
  3. Each day, you will be asked to write a response that relates to the day’s lesson. This response will be made in addition to your “present” post for the day (and I will be able to see the time you made the revision to your original post). The response MUST use proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. THIS WILL CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR MASTERY POINTS FOR THE WEEK. Each response post is worth 4 points, for a total of 20 points at the end of the week. The rubric for these responses will be posted each day to the discussion post for your easy access and review. PLEASE LOOK AT THIS BEFORE POSTING! I’ve also included a model response for your convenience.
  4. Assignments outside of discussion posts will be graded according to the calendar for the class and due dates therein listed.
  5. Lastly, on Monday of each week, I will be hosting a live class session via Google Hangouts during your normal class time (the link can be found in your calendar invite in your email). If you do not come online to participate in the discussion, you are required to make arrangements with me to meet for another time that week. There will be a mastery grade attached to this discussion each week, so please make your best attempt to attend the original session. It will be MUCH easier for you that way!


I know these next few weeks are going to be a struggle, but together we CAN and WILL get through it IF WE CONTINUE TO COMMUNICATE. I will be posting the calendar with all assignments and due dates to Teacher Connection and Google Classroom as well as sending it out via a Skyward email. Information about daily responses can only be found on the Google Classroom as it is different each day.


As information continues to be divulged to us, I will share any and all pertinent information with you as relates to your English class as soon as possible via a Skyward email and Remind. Remember, as always, Remind is the fastest and easiest way to reach me!


Buffalo, together, we will persevere!

Sincerely, Mrs. Smith




Donations are ALWAYS accepted and encouraged throughout the course of the school year! The items always in high demand in my room are as follows:

  • Boxes of tissues
  • Hand sanitizer
  • College-ruled filler paper
  • Blue, black, and red pens
  • Highlighters


***Google Classroom***

If you would like to take a look at the syllabus, classroom management plan, and supply list before Open House, please enroll in the Google Classroom for your class period. Parents, once you see your child's schedule, please feel free to enroll in the class so you can see our classwork and important updates. 

Period 1:  8v9zh9

Period 3: uxbfyn

Period 4: cgpyeu

Period 5: imc35c

Period 6: 4rvahm

Period 7: rdtyu


*****Parent PI Opportunity*****

Please sign up using the link below: 



  1. Be an active participant in your learning (come prepared having done the homework, listen, and respond thoughtfully during class discussions).
  2. Respect everyone in the room.
  3. Understand the concept behind Digital Citizenship
  4. Recognize and abide by all online learning rules
  5. NEVER plagiarize (take someone's work as your own). If you have a friend do your homework for you or you copy and paste something offline without citing it as a source, you will receive a zero for the assignment and a referral. At the University level, plagiarism is cause for expulsion, so learn the lesson early and do your own work.
  6. Be accountable and responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions.
  7. Be purposeful in everything you do. Part of understanding this means that you need to be aware the intentions do not matter because they ultimately only exist inside your head. If you are going to do something, or likewise choose not to do something, understand that only you can control the decisions you make and what you choose to prioritize. Right now, your first priority should be to your education. 

You are entitled to an education and an opportunity; now take it and make the most of it. Grades are not handed out, they are earned.


Instructor Policies:

I have very strict Mandatory Tutoring, “no zero,” and late work policies associated with my class:

  • Late work will be accepted with a ten-point depletion each day the assignment is late. After five days you will zero will be entered into the grade book until it is made up. (IEPs and 504s will be accommodated).
  • If a student is absent he/she is expected to pass in work due on the day he/she returns.
  • If a student is absent on a Friday and fails to see me by Wednesday of the following week, he/she forfeits their right to make up any work missed.
  • Students are not allowed to have a zero in the grade book. If an assignment has not been completed by the assigned due date students will be assigned mandatory after-school tutoring each Wednesday from 2:45-3:30 until the work has been made up. If a student fails to show up for tutoring they will be assigned detention. If the student fails to show up for detention they will receive a referral and have to attend mandatory Saturday school.

Helpful Links For All Students:

  • Do you have a question about a literary term?  Check out LitCharts handy-dandy list of literary devices and terms
  • Looking for resources to practice? You will find Free ACT Practice Tests here. There are a number of practice tests here for you to use to practice Grammar and Reading skills this summer. The bonus?  You get ACT/SAT/FSA practice at the same time!
  • Access your textbook online!   Please visit Pearson Easy Bridge and log in using your school email account and password.  
  • Google Classroom link
  • NoRedInk is a great tool for grammar practice.
  • is another great grammar tool useful for working on sentence structure (building compound and complex sentences, working with parallel structure, etc.)
  • Grammar Bytes is a good site to use to practice grammar skills
  • Sentence diagramming help with Elizabeth from Grammar Revolution
  • A wonderful writing resource is the Purdue Online Writing Lab, also known as the Purdue OWL.  I will refer to this site often in class.  Here is a great link for what your MLA formatted paper must include/look like. 
  • Writing Commons is another helpful writing and speaking (presentation skills) site. While the site does say it is for college level writers, there is plenty of information on the site that we review in class.  I think you will find that it is easy to understand and navigate. 
  • The State Exam (FSA) website shares valuable information for students and parents/guardians and includes a training test and guide. 
  • P.E.R.T. (Postsecondary Education Readiness Test) - Florida's customized common placement test - information can be found here.   
  • The Center for Online Education has an Academic Writing Guide that has helpful advice on various types of academic writing, common grammar pitfalls, citations, and more.
  • Helpful links for prefix, suffix and root word work. 



PDF documents
Daily/Weekly Responses Rubric - For all Google Classroom Posts and Discussions
Dialectical Journal Rubric -
Dialectical Journals Model - Explanation Included
English II OLF Assignment Calendar -
English IV OLF Assignment Calendar -
How to Format Your Research Paper - Step by Step Guide
Mickey Mouse Packet - All the Writing Assignments for the Year
Senior Writing Project - Guidelines and Rubric

Website Accessibility

The Villages Charter School (VCS) is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. If you use assistive technology and are experiencing difficulty accessing information on this site, please contact to gain access to inaccessible content or functionality of online content. To file a formal grievance under Section 504 and Title II with VCS please contact Patrick Murphy, Instructional Technology Supervisor at 352-259-2350.